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The Takeaway: Warren Buffett; Back to College; Seniors in the City

Warren Buffett's op-ed piece in the New York Times sparked a fury on the Internet yesterday. If you missed it, here's the takeaway in his own words: "My friends and I have been coddled long enough by a billionaire-friendly Congress. It's time for our government to get serious about shared sacrifice." What do you think? From earlier this year: Warren Buffett on "value investing."

Older woman graduates from college

... Back to school.  An interesting report highlights how the economy and the growing number of retirees has spurred a growing number of boomers to go back to college. "The reasons for the increase in boomers headed back to college vary: some are looking to advance or have encore careers while others simply want to learn a new subject or are going for the first time. " And there's no better time than now: According to the July unemployment report, the jobless rate for men 55-plus fell to 7.4 percent from 7.9 percent the previous month. For women, the rate rose to 7.3 percent from 6.3 percent. ... Seniors in the City. For many Manhattanites, if they can't do it on the island, it's not happening. And that's even more true for a certain segment of New York's population: Seniors. People over 75 make up about 6.2 percent of Manhattan's population and it's going to grow.  The reasons are myriad, but whatever the appeal, New York does it well.

Growing numbers of older New Yorkers live in housing specifically tailored for their needs, or are helped by programs like Dorot that provide everything from home-delivered meals to volunteers who escort people to doctor visits. An increasingly age-friendly mass transit system, along with discounts for items ranging from subway rides to movies, can help older New Yorkers get around, manage on fixed incomes and fill their days pleasurably. The wealth of hospitals and social service agencies provide support in times of need. Even at a time of widespread budget cuts, Manhattan does relatively well in this respect."

New York isn't for everyone, so here are 10 great cities for retirement.

... Health notes: CT scans for lung cancer trigger debate: "Hospitals and radiology practices around the United States have increasingly begun using high-tech CT scans to screen people for lung cancer despite intense disagreement about whether the testing should be done widely." ... Home health aides are in demand as hospitals, nursing homes try to trim rolls.

(Photo: Jupiterimags/Getty Images)

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