AARP Eye Center
Did 9/11 Change You For Good?
By John Briley, June 9, 2011 09:00 AM

It is inarguable, for most of us, that September 11, 2001, changed much about how we live our lives. For some, that morning was the last time they saw their father, mother, husband, wife or other loved one. For millions of others, the effect was limited to air travel hassles and a dramatic shift in news coverage of terrorism.
Today, AARP is looking for people - from across that broad spectrum of impact - who used 9/11 as a reason to transform their own lives. These are people for whom 9/11 became more than a day that something happened to them; it became the day they decided to do something for others.
We want stories of men and women who changed the direction of their lives following the events of September 11, 2001 - for example, people who decided they needed to volunteer or serve their community in ways quite different from what they were doing on September 10, 2001.
Whether that person is you or someone you know, it's important to note that the subject doesn't need to have been in New York City on 9/11, or to have had a relative on Flight 93 when it went down in Pennsylvania. The only direct link to September 11 we need is that the day inspired a life change, and that the transformation in some way has served others.
For more details, see our 9/11 Volunteer page. If you post a story, we may contact you for more information, and for some people, we may request an interview for use in special 9/11 anniversary content on
And, so you know, it is never too late to volunteer. For an opportunity near you, visit Create the Good.