AARP Eye Center
Go Forth and Do Good
By Alejandra Owens, August 11, 2008 01:05 PM
"Voluntourism" is hotter on the travel trend list than just about any destination these days. But with so many people in need these days, what's a commitment phobe to do? Check these ideas courtesy of and AARP:
- Spend two weeks in Costa Rica and help local schoolkids learn English. Read about AARP The Magazine editor Ken Budd's experience here.
- Join Hands Up Holiday for a Yucatan experience that includes helping elderly stay active and independent and beachcombing.
- Visit Belize to snorkel and help protect precious coral reefs or dive with dolphins in Greece with Earthwatch diving and snorkel expeditions.
And for those of you that desire a more pampered jaunt, check out Ritz-Carlton's Give Back Getaways and when the hard work is over you can sink into your luxurious accommodations. They even have one that is helping restore a seniors home in Singapore this October. Sign me up - I can paint, garden and sightsee all in one shot!