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I'm Back and Ready To Chat!

Jenni Chin Hansen.JPG

Hello everyone! I've not been posting here on Shaarp Session for awhile, but I'm back and will be posting more regularly - and robustly- than ever before.
You may or may not know that my position is a volunteer position here at AARP. Some of my favorite parts of this role include meeting so many people, both individuals and organizations, who really care about situation of our country today and think AARP can be a big resource to help contribute to our well being now and in the future. As a volunteer and member, I really feel I get to help improve the lives of older Americans and their families across the nation along with the nearly million other AARP volunteers - and our nearly 4 million activists!
I've been busy traveling across the country with AARP, talking to our volunteers, meeting with elected officials...and even an occasional celebrity here and there. This has been an incredible experience already and will start sharing some of my experiences with you. I'll be bringing you pictures from the road, some interviews and sharing my background and experience. Hopefully this can be a venue where you get a more personal view of AARP, post your input and a have some fun doing it. Talk to you soon!

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