AARP Eye Center
Sleep and Stroke: Daytime Dozing Linked To Higher Risk
By Candy Sagon, August 16, 2012 08:00 AM
Do you typically nod off during the day? For older adults, that could be a sign of increased risk of stroke, a new study shows.
Older adults in their 70s who unintentionally doze off during daytime activities -- for example, while reading, watching TV, sitting in a public place, or riding in a car or bus -- have a three times greater risk of stroke than less sleepy seniors, New York and Florida researchers found.
While problems like sleep apnea, which can disrupt nighttime sleep, have been linked to cardiovascular problems, researchers looked at the relationship between daytime sleepiness and stroke. The study was published online July 10 in Circulation: Cardiovascular Quality and Outcomes.
Senior study author Bernadette Boden-Albala of Columbia University and other researchers used data collected in 2004 from more than 2,000 northern Manhattan residents in their mid-70s, according to the Wall Street Journal. About two-thirds of the residents were women.
Subjects were asked to rate themselves on how often they dozed in six sample situations. Based on their answers, there were 921 nondozers, 981 moderate dozers and 186 severe dozers.
During more than five years of follow-up, researchers found that the risk for any kind of stroke was three times higher among the severe daytime dozers as compared to nondozers.
Despite this finding, researchers found no link between daytime dozing and heart attacks. They also noted that the stroke findings only show a relationship, not a cause. The findings could be influenced by other factors, such as obesity and high blood pressure, as well as the role of stress, depression or other psychological factors.
And, of course, one reason older adults could feel sleepy during the day is because they have poor quality nighttime sleep.
Bottom line: Sleep abnormalities -- whether during the day or night -- should be seen as a sign of possibly serious health problems, including a higher risk of stroke.
As researchers wrote, "These findings suggest the importance of screening for sleep problems at the primary care level."
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