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December Already...

We've made it to the last month of 2009 - can you believe it? You'll be happy to know that my Thanksgiving road trip went smoothly and I was home with plenty of time to spare for Thanksgiving breakfast. And now on to holiday shopping and preparing for the holiday season! My mission this month is to get the perfect gifts for my friends and family without breaking the bank...I'll keep you updated on my progress.
Here are a few interesting articles to start out December.
This first one from USA Today was interesting to me, because I've had the exact problem the author is giving tips to solve - extra money in your health care FSA as the end of the year looms. Have you had the same problem? Scrambling to spend those tax-free dollars you've been socking away? The article suggests making sure your prescriptions are filled, stocking up on contact lens solution and even sunscreen! Check it out - and be sure to check your eligible expenses to see what you can stockpile.
Here is one from U.S. News and World Report that discusses the ways your spending will or has changed in retirement. Many Americans, the article says, think they will spend less in retirement, and therefore can live on less of an income. The article cites nine ways spending changes, and in some cases (healthcare and gifts for the grandchildren!), increases.

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