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21 Day Push for Action

We're inside the 1-month countdown for the 2008 Presidential Election and that means it's time to voice your opinion! In less than 30 days there will be a new president-elect, and whether he's from the left or the right, blue or red, Americans demand that health care and financial security be addressed, and quickly.
30 Day Push for Action
At Divided We Fail, we're all about bipartisan efforts among our leaders in Washington to provide affordable health care and long-term financial security to every American. In order to make sure that our message gets through loud and clear, we're working on gathering hundreds of thousands of signed pledges to the DWF mission.
I call upon you in the next 30 days to spread the word and make sure that we, as a nation, are unified in a voice that calls for action. Tell your friends to sign the pledge at and tell us what you think about the issues. How do you feel about the current state of health care and financial security and what's the best solution moving forward?
TAGS: Divided We Fail, DWF, AARP,, pledge, 2008, Presidential Election, health care, financial security

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