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And We're Live!

Comic strip of a woman on her 40s.

Just as Segunda's and my own health and finances seemed to be in tip-top shape, as if on cue, our work lives demanded attention. Maybe this is the way life will always unfold for those of us trying to live our second youth better than our first. For me, it meant taking my newfound energy and redoubling efforts to connect with you, our readers, in as many multimedia platforms as possible.

Unlike our daughters who can't remember a world before the internet, Segunda and I know times are changing, and we're changing with them. We have new TV and radio shows, and our magazine is now offered online, and on the gadgets your children and grandchildren seem to have implanted in their hands. The goal: to continue to bring you the engaging and service-driven stories you've come to expect from AARP VIVA.

Fortunately, my hard work comes with perks - like my interview with Colombian heartthrob Juanes. You can watch the video of him serenading me and read our in-depth profile, where you'll learn about his efforts to eradicate landmines in Colombia and discover 10 things you probably didn't know about him.

And as I stared into those soulful brown eyes, guitar notes of a love song hanging in the air, I thought maybe, just maybe, I'd try dating again. Mr. Clean?

Any dating advice or stories to share? How do you balance your work and personal life? Tell us!


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