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Elder Mediation Helps Quarreling Siblings Find Middle Ground

As much as you may love your sibling(s), issues involving your aging parents often lead to arguments -- and even sometimes serious altercations within the family. Check out AARP's article on a new form of family problem-solving, elder mediation, that helps siblings see eye to eye when trying to figure out what's best for their parents:
At an impasse, the family turned to elder mediation. In this fast-growing field, a trained, neutral conflict-resolution professional--sometimes an attorney or therapist--meets with adult siblings and, if they're alive and able, their parents, to sort out contentious or unresolved issues relating to Mom and Dad. The mediator's job is to defuse the situation and keep the group focused on their common goal: to come up with the best possible outcome for a parent they all love and to preserve family relationships. Everyone gets to talk (or vent or cry) and problem-solve to reach an agreement. In some situations, an elder law attorney, financial planner, caregiver or geriatric care manager also attends to lend his or her expertise.
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