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From Empty to Crowded Nest

Angelita has landed. Again.

But this time, her target was my empty nest, and she's arrived with a freshly printed college degree. Angelita, like my own daughter, is part of a growing number of adult children-dubbed "boomerang kids"-battling the recession by moving back home while scouring job boards for employment.

I vividly recall the waves of emotion that flowed over me as she and I packed the final box before she left for college and new adventures. That night, as when the day she was born, I was reminded that her life will always have a ripple effect in mine. That phase became a time of reinvention and living my second youth better than my first.

Flash forward four years. Divorce? Check. Dating? Check. New apartment in a hip part of town? Check. Twenty-one-year-old daughter knocking at my door? Wait a second! Don't get me wrong, first and foremost I'm a mom, but what do you do when your adult child becomes your new, non-rent-paying roommate?

Angelita and my daughter aren't alone. The headlines remind us of the steady rise in unemployment that's accompanied the financial meltdown. A recent AARP survey indicates that the recession has made life especially challenging for many older Hispanics. But they are making positive strides. Read about how they're learning new skills, starting businesses, and aiding family in hopes of a secure landing.

And if you're a job seeker youself, connect with others and find tips on everything from sprucing up your resume to starting your own business.

Retired? How about heading back to school to pursue an interest you put on hold while raising your boomerang kid?

As for Segunda, it looks like she's doing all she can to support Angelita in her job search, while also searching her own heart to figure out which potential suitor to choose for the second round of the Divorcée's Dating Game.

Any suggestions? Please post below.

As for me, any suggestions on how to deal with a crowded nest?



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