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Diet - Back at home

Exercising at home

Like all good plans, Segunda's began with eating. Devouring tapas in Spain led to re-discovering how to play, this time in Scotland.

Back home, still reeling from the success of her reinvention tour, Segunda knew she had to bring this lightness into her everyday life, and so did I.

I may have had a lighter spring in my step, but those steps landed, well, a bit harder - and not just from the weight gain from several weeks of indulgence. Like many busy professionals, I had used "not having time" as a convenient excuse for not getting exercise. The next phase of my plan: Hit the gym.

So off I went to a place that often embarrassed me with its complicated machines and pervasive grunting. To lower the intimidation factor, I invested in a trainer to gradually guide me where I needed to go.

Are you working hard and planning for your financial future, yet neglecting the future of your health? What investment can you make in your health today?

This is a long-term investment, but I'm not alone. With every lady-like grunt, I'm getting a bit closer to securing a stronger, healthier future. To help others do the same, I recently joined Decide. Create. Share. It's a new AARP campaign aimed at educating women on the importance of planning for a healthy future. Won't you join me?


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