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Segunda Seeking Advice (and You Can Too!)
By Gabriela Zabalua, June 22, 2011 05:35 PM

After a date that went nowhere fast with the jet setter, Segunda has called in reinforcements to help her decide who's next in the Divorcée's Dating Game. The tall Cuban architect? The German "Mr. Clean"? Turns out the architect is a foodie with three young daughters. Will his promise of the best-ever Baja-style fish taco outweigh Segunda's concerns that they're at different stages in their lives? The German "Mr. Clean," she's learned, is a tri-athlete, perfect gentleman, and father of three adult sons. Should Segunda give in to his winning smile and promise of a romantic date?
Now is the time to consult with friends. You've already met the spiritually attuned Yogi Bean. This week I introduce you to Dante, a wily and widely published relationship guru and Segunda's gay best friend who gives her the straight talk on men. Do you have any of your own dating or relationship questions? Post them below and Dante will chime in with his sage advice. Check back often to see your questions answered and to find out who Segunda will date next. I know I haven't yet gone into detail about my own dating life, but I will tell you that right now my toes are deep in the sand next to, well, you'll find out soon.
And I know you're wondering what's happening with Angelita's and my own daughter's job searches. I'll be sure to update you about this, too.