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Small pleasures, big debts

Comic strip of a woman on her 40s.

Morning coffee with relationship guru Dante, lunch at the corner bistro with Yogi Bean, facials with daughter Angelita, organic chicken with Lady Piola - these small pleasures in Segunda's life have led to a large monthly credit card bill. Last week, Segunda and I realized the price we had to pay for our whirlwind travels, but this week we examine our monthly expenses at home. Just like when we enlisted a trainer to help us get into shape, we've decide to invest in an expert to get our finances in equally mint condition.

His verdict: Those little splurges derailed our finances. The solution: Create a budget, cut some expenses, and find creative (and cheap) ways of still having fun with the people we love most. Rather than approach this verdict as something upsetting, I've decided to embrace this as a challenge that comes with living my second youth better than my first. As with getting back into shape a couple of weeks ago, I know small adjustments over time can translate into security for the coming years.

And who knows, maybe with our daughters gainfully employed and our debt dwindling as you read this, maybe, just maybe, we'll consider giving the dating game another shot.
What are some creative ways you've found to save money? Are you struggling to get your debt under control? Share your tips with us.


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