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Twitter on the Rise, Thanks to You

While we know that the number of older folks using Facebook are skyrocketing, it looks like Twitter users are catching up too. And they ain't all young.
For those of you who don't know how this social networking site works, it's easy as pie - while Facebook allows you to "update your status" in real time so friends can see what you're up to, Twitter does just that. Rather than having a profile, applications, picture albums and all the other facets of Facebook, Twitter only allows you to update your status for your friends to see.
In a way, Twitter is more appealing to those not internet savvy because it's so much simpler than Facebook. Type in your thoughts, press enter, and you're done! So it makes sense that more folks are catching on, and middle aged folks are among the increasing group of new users:

ComScore found that people aged between 45 and 54 are 36% more likely than other age group to use Twitter, making them the highest-rated age group, followed by those aged 25 to 34, who are 30% more likely to Tweet out updates about their life and work.

Older users also spend more time on Twitter than their younger counterparts. Now we need to do some research on folks older than 54 - after all, Boomers can be Tweeters too!

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