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Does Congress Need Some Divine Intervention?

If YouTube and Facebook had an "Amen" button, Americans fed up with the government shutdown would probably be weighing in about this video of Senate Chaplain Barry C. Black, pointing out lawmakers' hypocrisy, unreasonableness, smugness and selfishness - all in one tidy prayer.

There are plenty of furloughed federal workers, vacationers kept from shuttered parks and Social Security beneficiaries worried about having their checks stopped who would love to give lawmakers a piece of their mind about the political impasse over government spending. Black did just that.

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Black, 65, has been the Senate's chaplain for 10 years, opening the session each day with a prayer. Before that, he served 27 years in the Navy, where he was a rear admiral. He's the first African American and the first Seventh-day Adventist in the nonpartisan position, according to the New York Times. Like hundreds of thousands of federal employees, he isn't being paid during the government shutdown. And his Bible-study meetings with senators and staff are canceled. But he's still got plenty to say in his prayers.

"Save us from the madness," Black prayed last week.

So far, that Hail Mary pass has gone uncaught.

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