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11 Things We Didn't Know Last Week

News, discoveries and ... fun

World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland, hosts the world's rich and powerful.

1. The world's richest 1 percent will likely control half of global wealth by next year. (Learn more at NY Times)

2. A cup of blueberries a day can help lower blood pressure. (Learn more at AARP)

Blueberries in a cup on a wooden table.

3. Four in ten people report at least one incident of "sleep paralysis" — waking up and being unable to move. (Learn more at Discovery)

4. The golden orb-web spider can count. (Learn more at WIRED)


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5. Your tongue does not have specific areas that can be mapped to tastes — like "salty" or "bitter." (Learn more at National Geographic)

Tongue Map for Special Tastes

6. Up to 40 percent of people will hear voices at some point in their lives. (Learn more at Newsweek)

7. Orangutans can learn to make sounds like human speech. (Learn more at NPR)

Orangutan family at Singapore Zoo

8. There seems to be a sweet spot for healthy salt consumption — not too much, but not as little as doctors have suggested. (Learn more at AARP)

Spilled salt from shaker

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9. Millennials will replace boomers as America's most populous generation this year. (Learn more at Time)

College Grad Millennials

10. Your Facebook "likes" can provide a key to your personality. (Learn more at NY Times)

Facebook Like Thumb

11. Workers who put in a lot of overtime tend to drink more after work. (Learn more at

And here's our Bonus Video: You don't have to be a football fan to enjoy this Seattle man's extended selfie — he films himself as his beloved Seattle Seahawks come from behind to win a miraculous victory over the Green Bay Packers. The whole thing is so 2015.


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Learn something this week? Mail your ideas to, and we’ll try to include your story next time.

On Twitter, we’re using the hashtag #11things.

Images – Davos, Switzerland: swisshippo/iStock; Blueberries: iStock/Artpritsadee; Golden orb-web spider: adam/Flickr; Tongue: AARP illus. inspired by National Geographic; Orangutan: paVan/Flickr; Salt: leventkonuk/iStock; Graduation selfie: PeopleImages/iStock.  

Music – DLDN Instrumental by timberman

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