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Beth Carpenter

They're small. The keys are tiny. The text is barely big enough to read. Their ringtones are jarring, and only your 15-year-old grandson knows how to work it. Cell phones are a must-have these days, but that doesn't mean they're any more fun to use than they were 10 years ago.
Happy 50th to one of the greatest bands that ever was. We have an AARP card sitting around here somewhere for you...
The following is a guest post from Steve Mencher, AARP multimedia editor.
As if we needed much confirmation. You take us to task on our Facebook page; you Tweet us links to your blogs; you're repinning our pins. Every day, you tell us how you spent time learning a new gadget, or asked someone a little younger to show you how. Every day, you spend more money online than…
When we heard the sad news that DC go-go legend Chuck Brown had died, I called his friend and sometimes rival Joe Quarterman. Here's what he said about Chuck...
The following is a guest post from AARP entertainment writer Austin O'Connor. You can read his previous installment of new TV previews here.
The following is a guest post by AARP Features Editor Barbranda Lumpkins Walls.
The following is a guest post from AARP entertainment producer Steve Mencher.
She'll be inducted into the Guinness Book of World Records today, for Mother's Day, as the oldest living yoga instructor ever.
Meet Josephine Lamberti. She's 80 years old, lives alone on Staten Island, and has a bigger Twitter following than Ed Asner and the founder of Pinterest. (Sorry, guys. We love what you do, though!) We called her up and asked her how this whole thing got started.
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