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Correy Robertson

Did you know June is Home Safety Month?
How does that work? Cause we all know we have enough problems at home, so how does the economy abroad affect your savings? John Burgess explains:
Check out this AP story on this great idea - a playground for seniors in London!
If we needed another reason to work to improve treatment of Alzheimer's disease, check out these alarming statistics.
According to this very personal article from Michelle Singletary at the Washington Post, "by 2020, 12 million older Americans will need long-term care. And when they need that care, they will realize that they and the caregivers they will have to lean on are woefully unprepared for the cost."
That's right, walnuts are actually good for your brain. How, do you ask? Because Omega-3s in walnuts have been found to improve mood as well as calm certain inflammation that can cause brain cell death. They also replace lost melatonin, which we need for a healthy functioning brain.
As the nation's most common cause of disability, raising awareness about arthritis is critical, and I am loving this new video that the Arthritis Foundation has created as May is National Arthritis Awareness Month.
Love it. While Jane Fonda is talented in too many ways to count, one of these many gifts is being a fitness guru. Her aerobics videos were a worldwide hit back in the day, and it looks like at age 72 she's back for more. Via USA Today:
Well, that doesn't seem fair. But it may be a reality, according to Linda Stern at AARP Bulletin. Apparently, tax-deferred accounts like 401(k) plans and Individual Retirement Accounts (IRAs) may be subject to be taxed when folks withdraw from them for everyday expenses. Stern gives us some…
Anyone who's ever owned a pet could testify that animals can be incredible gifts to people's lives. This is why AARP held a special contest: AARP's Most Heroic Pet Contest, and a winner has been crowned.
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