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Claire Noel-Miller

Claire Noel-Miller, MPA, PhD, is a senior strategic policy advisor at the AARP Public Policy Institute. Her areas of expertise include traditional Medicare, Medicare Advantage and quantitative research methods applied to health policy issues. Read her full biography.
Over the past five years, taxpayers have doled out over $30 billion in bonus payments to push hospitals and doctors’ offices to switch from paper to electronic medical records. Now nearly all hospitals and over half of all office-based doctors have gone digital; but much of that electronic…
The Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) gives consumers the right to access their medical information. But many people still have to jump through hoops to get their medical records from reluctant health care providers.
The good news is that appropriate treatment can help most older adults with depression. What’s more, Medicare has recently improved its coverage for people with mental disorders. It now covers a free annual depression screening, and beneficiaries no longer have to pay more for outpatient treatment…
Since October 2012, the Medicare program has penalized hospitals when too many patients in traditional Medicare are re-hospitalized within a month of discharge. This policy appears to be having unintended consequences for patients in Medicare and in the commercial market.
In English | Cientas de miles de personas se adaptan al mundo virtual para recibir su cuidado de la salud . Reemplazan sus visitas tradicionales al médico con la telemedicina, o sea, con servicios médicos que los profesionales del cuidado de la salud les proporcionan a través de sistemas de…
En español | Hundreds of thousands of people are going virtual to get their health care — replacing traditional face-to-face visits with telemedicine, or health services provided via telecommunication systems by health care professionals at a different location. Telemedicine has a variety of uses.…
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