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Eileen Ambrose

Julie Barcheers is on her way to becoming a first-time homeowner without having to buy a house.
Are consumers' credit scores unfairly dinged by medical debt?
One of consumers' biggest complaints: debt collectors.
The abrupt firing this week of Jill Abramson, the first female executive editor of the New York Times, once again puts a spotlight on unequal pay between men and women doing similar jobs, as details continue to leak.
Hundreds of health applications these days can track our weight, steps, caloric intake, blood pressure - and even our friends' workouts at the gym. And those diagnosed with an ailment can go online to get answers to health questions or share their stories with others suffering from the same illness.
Older Americans are carrying more mortgage debt and have accumulated less home equity than their peers a decade earlier, according to a report by the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau.
Which number is your most embarrassing - age, weight or credit-card debt?
Many parents and grandparents are aware of the hazards of cosigning an education loan, putting themselves on the hook to repay if the student doesn't.
Bank of America is the latest major financial institution ordered to refund millions of dollars to consumers who were billed for credit card-related products they never ordered - and likely didn't even need.
If you're rushing to get your taxes done before today's midnight deadline, take some comfort that you're not alone.
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