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Candy Sagon

Candy Sagon is an award-winning food and health writer. She wrote about food and restaurants for The Washington Post, where she won a James Beard Foundation award for food feature writing, and was assistant health editor at AARP, where she wrote about nutrition and health research for the association’s publications and website. She currently writes about health and nutrition for a number of publications.

Aerobic exercise — which gets your heart pumping out more oxygen-carrying blood — may play a role in improving your thinking and memory skills.
While typical diets are built around restrictive lists of foods that you should and shouldn’t eat, intermittent fasting takes a very different tack.
There is plenty of research that exercise benefits the brain, but could having a healthy brain also push us to exercise?
During stressful times there’s a simple thing you can do to boost your feelings of health and well-being: Spend some time outside in nature.
Getting too stressed, even during worrisome times, could weaken your immune system just when you need it to be as strong as possible.
Skin and hair aren’t the only things that physically change as we age. Aging also shrinks our brain size, which can affect memory and thinking skills.
Adding nuts to your daily meals may be the key to improving your brain health — and it may only take a couple of teaspoons.
Could poor health actually shrink your brain? The answer may be yes, especially if you have risk factors for heart disease, according to a new study.
Need to jog your memory? Do a little exercise. Even a single short session may help support memory, according to the startling finding of a study.
What makes someone creepy? Unbelievably, science has never asked this question — until now.
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