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Jeff Yeager

You know how I love the challenge of " creative repurposing" - the art of finding alternative uses for things that many people just throw away. So in honor of the season's most despised - and oft discarded - baked good, I recently set out to research creative reuses for fruitcake.
Looking for a festive-but-frugal dinner for New Year's Eve or Valentine's Day? Try this recipe for "surf and turf cheapskate-style." I don't claim it's as good as real lobster tails and filet mignons. But at a fraction of the cost, it's pretty darn tasty in its own right.
It was only 2 p.m., but the day already seemed about a week and half long, and for good reason.
If other plants and flowers have their own national day of celebration - tulips (May 13), roses (June 12), and even dandelions (April 5) - why not the poinsettia? Not to worry my frugal friends the poinsettia hasn't been slighted. In fact, Dec. 12 is officially National Poinsettia Day, an entire…
I've shared in this space my top tips for buying and caring for a live Christmas tree. Well, at least it was "live" before somebody cut it down. You know what I mean. But admittedly a live tree doesn't suit everyone's lifestyle or tastes.
I saw this great cartoon the other day. "Black Friday: Because only in America, people trample others for sales exactly one day after being thankful for what they already have." Funny, but true.
It's time to kick off my annual "Save the Giblets Campaign."
A few would-be throw away items can come in really handy this winter as you prepare yourself and your automobile for the cold months ahead.
Since gas prices in most parts of the country have once again dropped below $4 per gallon (the national average is currently just under $3.50 per gallon for regular unleaded), now is a perfect time to start what I call a "$4 a Gallon Savings Club."
The special 2012 "Fall Into Savings" Challenge is now history, and it indeed made some history, with a record number of more than 5,600 individuals now registered in the Savings Challenge group. Who knew there were so many cheapskates out there? This month-long Challenge, which ended on Oct. 28,…
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