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AARP News of the Day for Thursday, October 8

Last week, we told you where AARP stands on the Social Security COLA issue - that is, encouraging leaders on the Hill to provide a $250 in emergency relief to the older Americans who are struggling in the economic climate. Yesterday, a story ran in U.S. News and World Report on the letter that CEO Barry Rand wrote to those leaders - check out the story here.
As AARP Director of Financial Security Cristina Martin Firvida says in the article, one thing is for sure - the sense of economic security has drastically changed for Americans who have suffered losses in the stock market and their 401(k)s since just last year.
In health care reform news in America - the Congressional Budget Office has issued the long-awaited report and have found that the Baucus bill would actually reduce the deficit over the next decade. It seems hard to fathom with a hefty price tag of $892 billion over the next ten years - but the reduced deficit would come thanks to trims in Medicare spending and new taxes. Read all about the report and the optimism that a bill will be passed here in the Wall Street Journal or here in the New York Times.
And on a lighter note, another reminder about this year's AARP Member Event - Vegas@50+! It's quickly approaching...only two weeks away! Read anther preview of the event here and find out everything you need to know from AARP's website.

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