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The Takeaway: Boomers in the Surburbs; Are You Seeing Things?

Woman and man walking together

Changing face of the suburbs. Latest analysis pulled from 2010 Census:  It's not news to us, but new research shows the nation's suburbs are shifting away from the young couples with children image. About 40 percent of residents are 45 or older. And politicians and planners are taking heed: Now that the children are raised and gone (mostly), these areas must be transformed into pedestrian-friendly, accessible communities where people can age in place.

... Charles Bonnet Syndrome. It's a condition that causes seniors with vision problems - due to macular degeneration, strokes, glaucoma or diabetes - to see people or shapes that aren't there. And the number of cases is growing. Between 20 and 40 percent of Americans with poor vision develop hallucinations associated with the syndrome, says the American Foundation for the Blind. ...  An interesting study on doctors and Medicare vs. private insurance:  Doctors are more likely to drop private insurance.  ...  The latest on  the   debt talks.

... " When I retire I'm going to ..."  Like most workers, you've probably spent some time thinking about your retirement. Planning, saving, going over your options. But how exactly will you spend your time? Will you have a part-time job? Pick up that long-neglected hobby? According to a new survey, retirees say they spend most of their time sleeping, watching TV or enjoying that new book you and I will never find time to read. ... Speaking of reading and relaxing: When was the last time you went on vacation? If you're like many workers, it's been a while. A shaky economy and workplace uncertainty has caused many people to cut back on taking a vacation.

... Over 50 and Out of Work. A compelling multimedia project featuring 100 video interviews that illustrate the nation's unemployment crisis - and the impact on people over 50. The interactive collection includes portraits of everyday people who have lost their jobs, tips from workplace experts and resources on how to get back in the game. It's worth a look. ...  Earlier this month I mentioned a group of seniors in Japan who are volunteering to help repair the earthquake-ravaged Fukushima Daiichi nuclear plant. (Here's a look at Yasuteru Yamada, 72, the a retired plant engineer  who began the initiative.)
The Skilled Veterans Corps began a few months ago with 250 members - mostly former engineers and scientists. Today the team has 400 volunteers and worldwide support. What's so special about this group is that seniors are often the hardest hit in natural disasters. And Japan was no different.

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