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The Takeaway: Heat Wave Moves East, How to Keep Cool; Gang of Six?

As the dangerous heat wave moves to the Northeast, here's another explainer on how extreme heat attacks your body and why certain people have to be especially careful. Also: How to help a loved one or neighbor stay cool.

Senator Mark Warner speaks to reporters abou the deficit reduction package proposed by the Gang of Six
President Obama is open to accepting a sto pgap plan if Congress agreed to a bipartisan deficit reduction plan. That's a reversal of his earlier stance: The president had threatened a veto of any short term measure. ... Much is being made of a proposal from the Gang of Six  (Sen. Mark Warner, left, is a member) to deal with the deficit and debt ceiling. Does it raise taxes, cut Social Security? Read it here. Still confused about the debt ceiling? Get answers.

... Report: Michigan seniors are struggling:

"A new study concludes that one-third of Michigan's senior citizens are considered 'economically insecure,' far more than suggested by the federal poverty line."

... Health notes: Genome Maps May Spot Disease In African Americans. " Two independent teams of researchers have come up with the most accurate genetic maps ever made - a feat that should make the search for genes associated with diseases easier." ... Is new technology driving up unnecessary prostate surgeries? A new study finds that hospitals with robotic surgical technology performed twice as many prostate removal procedures than hospitals without the technology.  ... From Candy Sagon: A list of the healthiest fast-food burgers. (Yeah, but are they good?) ... Alzheimer's might be detected 20 years before symptoms occur. ... Study: Two antidepressants given to dementia patients are ineffective.

... Federal workers tend to be older, have higher salaries, says a report by the Congressional Research Service. ... One Couple, Two Retirements: Boomers are spending more time apart during retirement. ... New TSA Software to End Naked Scanner Images: "The Transportation Security Administration announced Wednesday that it will begin installing software to allow  airport scanners to show objects hidden under the clothes of passengers without creating what appears to be a naked digital image of the travelers."

... Fantastic (final) voyage. Earlier this morning, the space shuttle Atlantis made its final landing at NASA's Kennedy Space Center. Take a look:

See  "In the News" for more on current events, entertainment and how it all relates to you.

(Photo: Melina Mara/The Washington Post/Getty Images)

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