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The Takeaway: Heat Wave; Exercise and Stroke; Health Care Law

Dangerous heat wave continues: Five people have died from heat-related deaths as scorching weather continues to grip the East Coast, officials say.  The victims were at least 60 and all had pre-existing medical conditions - making them the most vulnerable in extreme weather. 

Man stands after exercising

How to recognize signs of heat stroke.

... That morning walk is good, but next time go harder: The more you sweat, the better for your brain? Yes, says a new study in Wednesday's Neurology. Researchers found that people who participated in high-intensity exercise had a lower risk for brain lesions, which are markers for "silent" strokes.  At the end of the 6-year study participants - average age: 70 -  were given an MRI scan of their brains.

... Health care law hearing: During the highly anticipated event, the three-judge panel of the 11th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals heard arguments on the law's constitutionality Wednesday - while raising questions of their ownA primer: What's at issue. ... Do you think the U.S. debt limit should be raised? If you're like most Americans, you're torn, according to a new Washington Post-ABC News poll. The federal government has officially reached its $14.3 trillion borrowing limit. Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner warned last month if the borrowing limit is not increased by Aug. 2, the government is at risk of defaulting on its debt. What does this all mean for you?

... Do you plan on eating when you retire? If so, you may have to keep working. A new study reveals that many people, based on what they have saved today, may not be able to afford retirement. Even if they work into their 70s. ... Banks unveil a new way to transfer money: Wary of using checks? Now you can send money using just a cell number or email address. As always, protect yourself from hackers.

See "In the News" for more on current events, entertainment and how it all relates to you.

(Photo: Ocean/Corbis)

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