AARP Eye Center
The Takeaway: E. coli; Vaccines; Heat Wave; Poorer Than Our Parents?
By Tina Johnson-Marcel, June 8, 2011 08:57 AM

Germany expecting more E.coli deaths: The E. coli outbreak that has killed 24 people continues to mystify health experts - and the source has yet to be pinned down. "There will be new cases and unfortunately we have to expect more deaths, but the number of new infections are dropping significantly," Health Minister Daniel Bahr told German TV. ... A little closer to home: "Despite attempts to clean up the nation's food supply, the rate of salmonella infections has held steady for the past 15 years." What you need to know about salmonella.
... Beat the heat: The National Weather Service issued an excessive heat warning Wednesday and Thursday for much of the East Coast.
... Adult vaccines can prevent future health costs: Are your vaccinations up-to-date? If you're not sure, chances are your doctor isn't either. But it pays to know. Key vaccines for you: Shingles; Pneumococcal disease; and tetanus. (Most people who die of tetanus infections are over 50.) Read more for other important recommendations. ... Closing the racial health gap: African-Americans with diabetes, heart disease and cancer die at a much higher rate than all other Americans. Federal health officials are working to change that.
... Walking in the city: A new report says streets in New York, New Jersey and Connecticut can be dangerous for pedestrians over 60. More on Safe Streets for seniors.
... From Bloomberg's Chart of the Day: Americans born between 1956 and 1965 have ended up poorer than the prior two generations. ... Maybe it is a generational thing after all. Despite earning millions (or even billions) and unparalleled success, many TV personalities refuse to retire. Oprah and Regis are "moving on," while Larry King and Jim Lehrer have "stepped down" - but they're far from finished.
See "In the News" for more on current events, entertainment and how it all relates to you.
(Photo: A nurse at Asklepios Hospital in Hamburg-Altona, Germany on Monday, June 6.
- Gero Breloer/AP)