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The Takeaway: What's in a Face at 50?; Debt Deal Goes to Congress

President Obama turns 50
What does your face say about you? Does it say you're happy? Stressed? When people see you, do they think you're powerful? Warm? Do you appear healthy? As President Obama turns 50, a new report examines how much he's aged in the last three years and asks an interesting question: "What's in a face at 50?"

"If it's true, as George Orwell said, that by 50 people have the faces they deserve, then President Obama - whose birthday is Thursday - has fared well. But what's in the face at 50? As the tail end of the baby boom reaches that milestone and looks in the mirror, the collective sigh may well be, what happened?"

Debt-limit deal reached. The agreement would increase the debt ceiling by $2.4 trillion in return for budget cuts of at least $2.4 trillion over 10 years. But it's not over, yet. Congress still has to approve the measure. What it all means for you. ... Heat advisories continue as the nation enters the second month of record high temperatures. How to protect yourself from heat-related illness.

... Money, worries about the future are keeping you up at night: "As the nation's 77 million baby boomers move into their older years, they are deeply worried about the financial pressures of retirement and health-care costs, according to a new Associated Press report."

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(Photo: Brendan Smialowski/Getty Images)

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