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It's Friday! Dance with Somebody!

Happy Friday blog readers! Jenn here from the communications team reporting on what some of our volunteers are up to this week in Illinois...

How does that saying go? Dance like nobody's watching? Looks like that's what these folks are doing in this video shot by our staffer Carmena Millan earlier this week. Tell me you don't love it!

The Pine Tree Senior Group (the ones in the red shirts) from the Chinese American Service League have committed to doing six Create the Good events this year including friendly visits to home-bound seniors at a senior housing site in Chinatown. Looks like all involved are having a great time!

They had a kick-off luncheon in February and their first visit in March where they had music, singing and dancing performances, played brain games with the seniors, and provided snacks, beverages and small gifts for all participants. There are more events planned for this summer if you'd like to get involved just leave us a comment or send us an email.

Bonus video: Tell us what instrument this gentleman is playing and we'll send you a Create the Good t-shirt!

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