AARP Eye Center
Morning AARP: Do Something
By Beth Carpenter, August 17, 2010 09:30 AM
My favorite line from this: Lawrence McRae on getting his first prostate exam ... "This must be a white man's disease!" upon seeing much more white men get tested. When he realized how few minorities get tested for diseases like prostate cancer, he started a personal crusade to change that.
(Want to jump to doing something drastically different, like McRae? Join our live chat at noon here and submit questions for Jane and career experts.)
Your morning headlines: In a "big deal" moment, Pakistan is saying Islamist militants are now a bigger security threat than longtime enemy India; automatic overdraft fees are illegal after regulations came into effect this week; and in news you shouldn't be surprised about... Steven Slater, the flight attendant who jumped on a plane's emergency slide to quit his job, might be getting his own reality show. Telling people how to quit their jobs, natch.
Happy Tuesday. Do something.