AARP Eye Center
Prepare for Hurricane Season with the Operation Hurricane Prepare Toolkit
By Jen Martin, June 2, 2010 01:54 PM
The 2010 Hurricane Season officially started yesterday and according to Colorado State University's Tropical Meteorology Project, the activity this season will be above-average.
"The December 2009 report estimates approximately 11-16 named storms, 6-8 hurricanes and 3-5 major hurricanes occurring during the 2010 Atlantic hurricane season, which is more typical of years in an active era, such as the 1995 season."
Are you ready for an over-active hurricane season? Do you have a basic hurricane supply kit? How about an evacuation plan? No? Well, Create The Good wants to help you prepare for such a crisis with our Operation Hurricane Prepare Toolkit.
We encourage you to share the toolkit with friends, family and neighbors.