AARP Eye Center
Americans Want Congress to Act Now to Protect Social Security, AARP Survey Finds
By Natalie Missakian, June 29, 2023 05:43 PM

En español | Most Americans feel a sense of urgency when it comes to protecting Social Security — and want Democrats and Republicans to work together to secure its future.
That’s according to a new AARP survey of more than 1,000 adults 18 and older. Our research found the sentiment holds true regardless of a person’s age, gender or politics.
AARP and NORC at the University of Chicago conducted the poll online and by telephone from April 27 to May 1.
Nearly nine in 10 respondents (89 percent) agree federal lawmakers must work immediately to ensure the solvency of the program, which could run short of money by 2034 unless Congress acts. A similar percentage (90 percent) say Democrats and Republicans should work together to solve the problem.
Most respondents 18 and older (95 percent) say Social Security is important. Seventy-one percent believe it is “one of the most important government programs,” and 72 percent say it’s more crucial now than before the COVID-19 pandemic — because of economic fallout such as record high inflation.
“Contrary to competing narratives, both young and old, both men and women, and liberals, moderates and conservatives alike place very high value on Social Security,” our researchers wrote. Americans are “demanding immediate action and bipartisan cooperation.”
Read the full report, and learn more about how we’re fighting to protect Social Security. Use our Social Security Calculator to learn how much you may collect in benefits.
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