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AARP in Politico

Check out this editorial in Politico from Nancy LeaMond, Executive Vice President at AARP. She talks about the "sobering" realities that senior citizens face when it comes to health care, and where AARP stands on the issues at hand with health care reform. She discusses the need to close that "doughnut hole" in Medicare prescription drug coverage, and that discrimination by insurance companies must end. LeaMond says:
"AARP has been fighting for years to abolish age rating for the same reasons that we want to end private insurance discrimination based on a person's gender or medical history: because fairness is a fundamental American value, and arbitrary discrimination in any form runs counter to who we are. This year we have an opportunity to make great progress toward ending discrimination and ensuring that those who need affordable, high-quality health care can find it."
In other News of Note...
Here is an article worth checking out from the Wall Street Journal. It talks about an interesting dilemma: how caring for your aging parents can cause problems in your career - especially when it comes to relocation for that career. The story highlights the stories of three executives who had to do just that - and how each of them tackled the problem and found a solution in different ways.

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