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Living a Heart Healthy Life


Have you checked out AARP's Heart Health resource guide?
This guide on our website shows you the lowdown on how to keep your heart healthy. Twenty-five percent of people over the age of 50 have at least two risk factors that could lead to a heart attack, although they could potentially be avoided. 1.1 million Americans will have a heart attack this year, and some 500,000 folks won't survive it.
There are a slew of articles and tip-giving around heart health, like AARP Magazine's recent piece that gives you six steps to reduce your chances of a heart attack, or an article on how yoga can improve your heart health. All in all, this is a great resource for older folks to target what their risk factor is and take real initiative to live a heart happy and healthy life, and let's face it: some of us can't afford to wait on it.

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