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Men And Sunscreen: Why Aren't They Using Any?


Attention men: Before you head outdoors this summer, make sure you are wearing sunscreen. Because evidently, you need some reminding. (Ok, nagging.)

A new survey by the Skin Cancer Foundation finds that men don't seem to understand the risks of getting skin cancer.

Nearly 1 in 2 men surveyed said they had not applied sunscreen in the past 12 months, and only 32 percent considered themselves very knowledgeable about how to properly use it, the Dallas News reports.

Some misguided machismo may be to blame: Nearly two-thirds of men surveyed thought women needed sunscreen more because female skin is more sensitive to UV rays.

Guys' skin, they apparently believe, is somehow more impervious to sunburn and damage.

truck driver

Except that it's not true. The photo at left dramatically illustrates what long-term exposure to the sun can do to a man's face. It's from a recent report in the New England Journal of Medicine on a 69-year-old truck driver whose face was exposed on one side to sun through the window glass for 28 years.

According to the Skin Cancer Foundation, men have more unprotected sun exposure over the years than women and they then develop more skin cancers as they age.

"The majority of people who get melanoma, for example, are white men over age 50 - and they discover such growths later than women do, when they are harder to treat," says the foundation.

Part of the problem may be that the message about the importance of sunscreen protection is being directed at women, not men, says Alan Geller of the Boston University School of Medicine.

Geller's team of researchers discovered that advertisements for sunscreen appear primarily in publications aimed at women. The researchers reviewed five years of advertising in 24 different magazines, finding that 77 percent of sunscreen ads were in women's magazines.

On average, four sunscreen ads appeared in each woman's magazine, compared with less than one in every six issues of men's magazines.

However, a recent Australian study shows that when men hear information about skin protection, they follow it.

After a skin cancer information campaign was launched across 18 Australian communities, researchers found that men's screening rates went up in general, and the biggest increases were reported in men over the age of 50.

So, men, find a sunscreen lotion you like and start using it.

Oh, and don't forget a hat.

It also would be a good idea to learn the warning signs of melanoma, the deadliest form of skin cancer.

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Photo credit: Top photo,; small photo, courtesy New England Journal of Medicine

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