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Yoga Helps Stroke Survivors -- Even Skeptical Ones


"Yoga is for girls, yoga is for hippies," is what a group of older male veterans -- and stroke survivors -- told researchers who wanted to see if doing some basic yoga movements would help improve the veterans' balance.

But then the group tried yoga anyway, and boy, were they surprised.

They discovered that even long after having a stroke, working on basic, easy yoga poses helped them improve their balance, as well as boost their confidence and ability to handle everyday tasks.

"People can improve their balance years after a stroke. They can change their brain and change their body. They are not stuck with what they have," study researcher Arlene Schmid with Roudebush Veterans Administration-Medical Center and Indiana University told WebMD.

The veterans were part of a study that involved 47 participants, three-fourths of whom were male, including veterans of World War II. The oldest subject was in his 90s.

The study, published in the American Heart Association journal Stroke, found that stroke survivors who practice yoga can improve balance, giving them more confidence to handle daily activities and potentially reducing future disability, reported

The study's subjects were divided into two groups. Ten received no therapy. The other 37 got a specialized version of yoga developed by a yoga therapist and the research team.

At first the men in the group were skeptical that the yoga would help, Schmid said. But after a couple of sessions -- and with encouragement from their wives -- they changed their minds.

They practiced modified seated, standing and floor-based yoga exercises. By the end of eight weeks, the yoga group showed significant improvement in balance. The yoga movements also increased their confidence and reduced their fear of falling -- a major risk among stroke survivors.

Schmid noted that  rehabilitation therapy for stroke patients typically ends after six months, but that brain changes and physical improvements can continue to occur after six months.

"The study demonstrated that with some assistance, even chronic stroke patients with significant paralysis on one side an manage to do modified yoga poses," she told

Added Roger Bonomo, director of stroke care at Lenox Hill Hospital in New York City: "Anything that can reduce the risk of falls -- a common sequel of stroke -- is welcome, as is anything that improves mood and lessens symptoms of depression in the post-stroke patient," he told HealthDay.

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Photo credit:  Knut Schultz/Corbis

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