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"Reinventing Retirement"

I came across this article on today that discusses a very informational (and helpful) video called "Reinventing Retirement" from Merrill Lynch Wealth Management. The video is actually part of a series of panel discussions all moderated by former ABC News anchor Charles Gibson. This one focuses on "encore careers" and a new kind of retirement.
As the USNews reporter points out, the panel of experts discusses retirement not in terms of money, but more in terms of attitude. Gibson points out the huge uptick in entrepreneurial ventures among retirees - and the fact that the generation about to turn 65 knows it has a good 20-30 years ahead to try new things and make changes along the way.
The panel also points out that boomers are facing a new kind of retirement, and therefore making decisions "by the seat of their pants." It will be interesting to see how future generations will learn from this generation on how living in our 60s and 70s is different than just a few generations ago.
I especially like Gibson's astute observation that there are as many different paths in retirement as there are people...and that retirement is "a process, not an event."
You can (and should!) check out the entire video here - it's about 43 minutes long, so make sure you have the time to watch. I hope that you find it insightful or at the very least, interesting!

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