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To Do: Watch NBC Nightly News Tonight


I know, Friday nights are for watching movies, having dinner with friends or doing anything other than thinking about retirement planning. But! Hear us out here. Tonight on NBC Nightly News with Brian Williams, AARP's very own Jean Setzfand will be on.

See, Jean is our VP of Financial Security, which is to say, Jean knows her stuff about all things financial and retirement planning. She'll be on the news tonight talking about retirement planning: steps you can follow to make sure you're set to retire, or keep working if you like, how to use our retirement calculator and how to factor claiming Social Security into your plans.

So, I know it's Friday night and all, but maybe it's worth setting your Tivo for? You can always save it for later, and watch it on Monday night, cause who likes Monday nights anyway!? Bottom line, no matter how un-fun thinking about your finances might be, it's time to take a look at them. Plus, it's a new year! I'm sure you have a money related resolution, why not get started on it now?

PS - Check your local listing to catch what time your news starts! We'll also be live tweeting the segment from @AARP so you can follow/join in the conversation there!

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