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Back to Work?

There is a great Q&A style article on today that addresses concerns of older Americans who were looking to retire, but like many in the country, don't have the same amount of certainty in their financial stability that they once had. The author touches on going back to work (but does that make sense when the rest of America is looking for work, too?) and social security eligibility. Check it out if you're looking to retire early...or already have and are second-guessing your choice.
A Longevity Effort
You may have heard about the "Vitality Project," an initiative that was put together by AARP and Blue Zones, a healthy living organization...but if not (and even if so!) read this really cool story from Minnesota Public Radio yesterday about Albert Lea, a little town in Minnesota that has been the subject of a longevity effort.
Kids are walking over a mile to school instead of hopping on the bus, and that's just one of the little things the citizens of Albert Lea are doing to improve their well-being. Focusing on their physical environment, and making little changes, such as choosing a salad instead of French fries, is key to the project, and it sure seems Albert Lea is embracing the change! They are an inspiration to us all. J

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