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Online at 50-Plus: Good News and Bad

You think you're tech-savvy but you're still doing risky things online? You're not alone.

cyber crime threats

So concludes the first-ever survey by software security firm McAfee that offers insights into the online habits of computer users aged 50-75.

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Key findings after interviews (done online, of course) with 1,258 folks past the half-century mark:

*Nearly nine in 10 consider themselves to be equally or more tech-savvy compared to others their age. "Despite this proclaimed comfort level - or maybe because of it," notes McAfee, they drop their guard to "stranger danger." Some six in 10 have posted or shared sensitive personal information online with people they don't know, such as email addresses, cell phone numbers and home addresses.

* Eight in 10 of those surveyed use social media networks such as Facebook, with one in three of them logging in daily--those sites aren't just a young person's game. About one in six admitted to having gotten into "negative situations" while using social media, such as fights with friends or family members

Discussion: How to stop unwanted phone calls

* Eight in 10 of the surveyed smartphone users and four in 10 tablet users post mobile photos online. Surprisingly, one in four (and again, we're talking those 50 and older) admit to using their devices to send " intimate" texts, emails or photos. The kicker: one in three admit to having no password protection on these devices.

So be smart. Learn more about protecting your smartphone. Also take note of newer cyber threats.

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Photo: Don Hankins/Flickr

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