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Vitamin E and Your Brain Health — a Perfect Combination

An up-close view of a pile of sunflower seeds in a sunflower field
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Vitamin E plays key roles throughout the body. It protects the brain’s nerve cells from damage, explains Jeffrey Blumberg, professor of nutrition at Tufts University. “Research shows that vitamin E levels in the blood are lower in people with memory, language and thinking problems,” he says.

The recommended daily intake of vitamin E for most healthy adults is 15 milligrams or 22.4 international units. To meet your targets, put these foods in regular rotation throughout your week.

  • Almonds. Just ¼ cup provides 40 percent of your daily vitamin E requirement.
  • Avocados. Avocados help keep cholesterol levels in check and show promise for reducing the risk of developing Alzheimer’s disease, one review found.
  • Sunflower seeds. They promote smooth blood flow to your brain and heart.
  • Sunflower oil. It’s rich in a form of vitamin E that helps prevent the loss of a key molecule for brain health (docosahexaenoic acid, or DHA) that the body can’t manufacture on its own.
  • Swiss chard. This tender green is also an excellent source of vitamin K, which may help you remember where you parked your car at the airport.
  • Whole grains. Once a grain is milled, it loses its vitamin E content. Yet another reason to add whole wheat bread and oatmeal to your grocery list.

Find out more about food and memory with 6 Foods Rich in Brain-Boosting Vitamin E.

This content is provided for informational purposes only and is not intended to provide any expert, professional or specialty advice or recommendations. Readers are urged to consult with their medical providers for all questions.

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