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The Rush to Tweet Goes On

I find myself using Twitter more these days. I'm searching for contacts and ideas, trying to get my own point of view heard and trying to follow the recommendations of some key experts, whose thoughts and links I value.

Turns out, I'm not alone.

Related: Looking for a job? Why you need to go social

Use of the social media site Twitter by those ages 50-64 has doubled since November 2010, nearly keeping pace with the overall growth in use of the site among people of all ages, the Pew Internet and American Life Project reports today. This is the first time that Pew has asked respondents specifically about Twitter.

Who's using Twitter - Pew - 2013

Looking at social media more broadly (including sites such as  Facebook, LinkedIn and Google Plus), "as of May 2013, almost three quarters (72%) of online U.S. adults use social networking sites, up from 67% in late 2012." As for the AARP audience, "six out of ten internet users ages 50-64 are social networking site users, as are 43% of those ages 65 and older...

"Adoption rates [for all social media] for those 65 and older have tripled in the last four years (from 13% in the spring of 2009 to 43% now)."

Pew social media users graph

What does it all mean? Social media is how more and more people of all ages are staying in touch and doing business. As the network expands, it becomes more valuable.

 Data and graphs courtesy of Pew Internet and American Life Project

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