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Relax! You're on Vacation!

So you've planned your summer vacation to the beach, right? Maybe to a theme park with the family? Maybe hiking in the mountains? No matter what you've planned for the summertime, did you ever think that you might actually have to make yourself relax? Check out this very interesting article this week from the Wall Street Journal to see what I'm talking about.
According to the article (which cites an survey), only 53% of working Americans say they come back feeling rested and rejuvenated after vacation, and 30% say they have trouble coping with work stress while they're away. Do you ever feel like you've tried to cram so many activities into your week away from the office that you end up exhausting yourself even more than when you left? Been there!
With BlackBerrys and cell phones abound, how can someone really completely detach from work for a while and enjoy the surf and sun? Does an "out-of-office" reply really mean anything these days? Not according to Edward T. Creagan, a medical oncologist who writes the Mayo Clinic's stress blog.
Some tips to help you relax?
Exercise! Release those endorphins and burn off that excess adrenaline. It can be invigorating.
Be flexible! Make a plan, but leave some time for "winging it." You'll stress yourself out trying to stick to your plan, otherwise. After all, it's vacation. Chill out.
Manage expectations back at home and work. Make sure people know you will be away and not entirely available. They will understand.
Where are you heading this summer and do you think you'll have any trouble unwinding? What are your tricks for keeping your mind off of the stressors in life?

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