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AARP Illinois

All the news that matters to Illinoisans over 50. Gerardo Cardenas, Jennifer Baier and Heather Heppner write about health, financial security and well-being of Illinoisans.
We've got some really fantastic volunteers in Illinois and around the country. The range of activities they work on is quite stellar. From Driver Safety to Tax Aide, to lobbying down in Springfield, or assisting with office projects, this organization wouldn't exist, and wouldn't have nearly the…
Hello, everyone! It's Jenn from the Illinois Communications team.
Experience Corps is hosting a series of community conversations in Chicago with AARP members and the general 50+ public from Jan. 18 through Feb. 16. The conversations, which are scheduled for about 1-1/2 hours, will serve to provide those interested with more information on AARP Experience Corps…
Hello again from Lenise. I wanted to share something special with you today...
Hi everyone! Allie the intern here this week to tell you about the hottest new social media site - Pinterest!
Hey everybody, Jenn here from the Illinois Communications team. So, you know that saying "live by the sword, die by the sword"? Yep, that was me today ... one second I was hot on the trail of an invisible pack of riders in spin class and the next second I was on the floor self-diagnosing an…
It's Friday Everybody! Jenn here from the Illinois communications team blogging this week on some of our awe-inspiring volunteers.
Happy FRIDAY! Jenn here from the AARP Illinois Communications Team. This week I'm going to tell you about one of the most fun events I've ever been a part of in my 6 years at AARP - The Senior TechRALLYâ„¢
Hello, readers! It's Allie the intern here this week, talking to you about the upcoming election and how the AARP Voters' Guides can help you research your candidates. Don't forget to register and vote!
Update to the original story below: Two time national champion , Ron Millard, just reported winning a silver medal in the World Masters Championship in Lviv, Ukraine. His weight totals were over 264 pounds! The gold medalist, from Germany Wolfgang Sadowski lifted a total of 374 pounds. WOW. We hope…
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