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Felicia Brown

This week, recognized as National Small Business Week by the Small Business Administration, spotlights the hard work and tenacity of 30M small business owners. Being a small business owner is not easy by any measure but these individuals are risk takers, community engagers, and innovators that…
During this National Entrepreneur Month, we not only recognize the tenacity of small business owners, but our veterans who took the leap of faith to open a small business. While November is widely known as a time our country honors and recognizes the contributions veterans made to our country, it’s…
Are you ready for a new job? Want to start a second career? Or, perhaps get a part-time gig? AARP’s Job Board may be the solution to that question. Earlier this year, AARP launched a tool that allows 50+ jobseekers to identify opportunities that fit their unique skills and experiences. The Job…
Have you ever asked yourself these questions: “What’s the best mobile app to use or the best device to purchase for achieving everyday goals?” “How can I use technology to stay connected to family and friends, search for jobs, manage my home, care for loved ones and learn a new skill?” Most of us…
Have you thought about turning your passion and something that serves others into an opportunity that could pay the bills? Perhaps you sold lemonade, homemade desserts or candy when you were a kid. At that time, you were probably nurturing your entrepreneurial spirit. Many small-business owners…
Caregiving is not only a choice but a responsibility to those you cherish and who have showed you love throughout your life. Providing care for someone is simply a selfless act of compassion for someone who can no longer manage for themselves. During this season of love we applaud you for the…
If you’re like me, you like to kick off the new year by reflecting on the goals you set last year and begin to set new ones for the coming year. For a lot of people, their No. 1 New Year’s goal is to get new job or launch a new business.
This is a wonderful time of the year to relax, recharge and refocus before the new year begins. It’s also an ideal time for family and friends to gather to catch up, and for you to reflect and begin to focus on your 2017 goals, particularly as they relate to your career. Whether you’re employed and…
Almost 18 months ago, Karen Alston founded the Spectrum Circle, an organization that empowers, motivates and uplifts women of color of all ages to achieve their goals and find their purpose through their passion. To date, the Spectrum Circle has hosted eight events to showcase talented women. They…
In the next few months America will elect a new president who will take an oath to preserve, protect and defend our Constitution. Th at person will commit to executing the promises made during the campaign, and voters will begin to hold them accountable. For the past year, AARP has been front and…
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