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Jeff Yeager

When I made it for the holidays the first year after we were married, Denise emerged from the kitchen with a look on her face that shouted " Who the heck did I marry?"
The article I wrote earlier this week about holiday tipping left me with a craving for fruitcake. Even though it's become sport to make fun of fruitcake, I love the stuff. But that wasn't always the case. In fact, my passion for fruitcake is a direct result of a holiday tipping story of my own.
I've written before about "cheapskate etiquette," how to pinch pennies and still be polite and respectful of others at the same time. Since it's tradition this time of year to remember and thank the people who make our lives a little easier and better - from newspaper and mail carriers to the kid's…
As the days grow shorter and the nights get colder, I spend a lot of time in the evenings hunkered down next to the wood stove, reading or tinkering with various craft projects. Of course, I particularly love any craft that lets me recycle something that would otherwise end up in the trash. I call…
I'm always hit with a little wave of Charlie Brown anxiety when we head off to buy the family Christmas tree shortly after Thanksgiving. Like Charlie, somehow I just know that the trees we'll find can never measure up to the vision of the perfect Christmas tree I have in my mind's eye.
Bah Humbug! That pretty much sums up my feelings about participating in Black Friday, the day after Thanksgiving when we're all encouraged to join the mobs and march off to the shopping mall in the wee hours of the morning to buy, buy, buy as the first official act of celebrating the holiday season.
"Friends Don't Let Friends Pay Full-Price for Anything!" That was the motto of the special October Savings Fest edition of the online AARP Savings Challenge that wrapped up the week before last.
"You must be cooking two Thanksgiving dinners, huh?" the supermarket cashier said to me.
With the holiday season approaching, many folks are in the market for a bottle or two of special wine to give as gifts or to use in their own celebrations. The good news is, it's possible to uncork some real bargains on wines this time of year, if you know where to look. Here are some shopping tips…
Since I work from home, my wife sometimes wonders what I do all day. I'm a writer, so the fruits of my daily labor aren't always apparent to her, and I'm pretty sure she thinks I spend most of the day goofing off.
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