It's been interesting to watch as the millennial generation has rushed to embrace its own 21st century version of penny-pinching. At least in our family, these are the same twentysomethings who only a few years ago rolled their eyes at us "old folks" as we religiously clipped our coupons from the…
Spending money to save even more money is usually a lead-pipe cinch: that's an expression my generation used before there was such a thing as a "no-brainer." When it comes to investing in home improvements designed to save on utility costs, while the payoff for installing things like solar panels…
A few weeks ago a family of raccoons made the rounds in our neighborhood one night, laying waste to the garbage cans we'd all set out for collection the following morning. As I joined the impromptu cleanup posse (a "trash mob" as opposed to a "flash mob"), it was interesting to see the differences…
With winter in full swing and cabin fever becoming an almost constant malady, I usually turn my attention to an endless list of indoor home remodeling and improvement projects.
Here's what the Ultimate Cheapskate will be cooking to feed a houseful of hungry football fans during the big game, all without getting my piggy bank benched or my bank account sacked.
If you follow my blog regularly, you know that I'm a big fan of offbeat holidays and an even bigger fan of finding creative ways to save money by reusing stuff that most people just throw away. And I may have also mentioned once or twice that, on occasion, I enjoy a nice cold beer. So you can…
I've never met a cheapskate who doesn't love soup. That's because frugal folks know that soups tend be both filling and inexpensive and are a terrific way to use up little bits of leftovers and other random ingredients you have on hand.
The late Andy Rooney once wrote: "One of the most glorious messes in the world is the mess created in the living room on Christmas Day. Don't clean it up too quickly."