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Lois Joy Johnson

Bouncing back from a relationship split looking better, happier and more confident is the ultimate revenge. Just ask Tipper Gore, Susan Sarandon, Maria Shriver and Robin Wright. All have never looked sexier and more self-assured. As more longtime marriages and boomer relationships, high profile or…
When your wrinkles and brown spots get side-swiped by zits, skip the temptation to squeeze or tan. You can't pop, dry out or camouflage breakouts that way anymore. Breakouts after 50 are nightmare-ish whether you have an occasional bump or a teenage acne flashback. I consulted Dr. Susan Taylor, a…
Squinting at menus? Can't make out the shade name on your lipstick? Welcome to the presbyopia club. Presbyopia is an age-related vision problem caused by the thickening and loss of flexibility in the lens of your eye that's common among women 50+. It's why finding the right distance to hold the…
Fashion is in big trouble. Labor Day is over and we're just getting the itch to shop ... maybe. After all, what's in it for us?
When women 50-plus start piling on self-tanner, blush and a brighter lipstick it means one thing : your hair color is all wrong. So says New York colorist, hair stylist and beauty expert Eva Scrivo, the savior of savvy CEOS, media personalities and grownup everyday women who mob her Bond Street and…
Despite a turbocharged life and plenty of charisma, lots of women 50-plus say they no longer get second glances - or even eye contact - from men. They feel "invisible." We don't necessarily want to be cougars, dabble in extramarital affairs or even play around online. We just miss the brief boost…
If not for us, where would younger women be? We broke glass ceilings (and all the rules), burned our bras (to end gender discrimination and sexual harassment), freed our reproductive rights and reversed traditional roles (so we could have families and become millionaires without marrying or…
The fake PSA video "Bitchy Resting Face" has created a viral storm on YouTube. It lampoons the 11s - the twin vertical furrows between the brows - that give your face a constant hostile, worried look. The 11s get deeply etched with age but Botox inhibits them (and with FDA approval!) I used to get…
It's midsummer, brutally hot and lots of us haven't been to the beach or pool yet. The question is why not? If you can't stand the heat, humidity and sweaty grossness of it ... fine. If you have serious skin cancer issues and find any real sun exposure off limits ... fine. Intimidated by recent…
The beauty industry thinks we're hot and for a very good reason. Women 50-plus are helping them make billions of dollars and firm up a saggy economy with every de-aging product and procedure possible. But when it comes to beauty trends they get amnesia. For example, we honestly don't need cat-eye…
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