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The Takeaway: Americans Are Fed Up; Recession Rages; Salmonella Outbreak

A woman attends a job fair
Don't mean to start the morning on a low note, but the numbers don't lie. The recession rages and long-term unemployment rates are still high. As the country focuses on the very important issue of the debt ceiling ( here's an update), many segments of the population are asking," Hey, remember us?"  While Democrats and Republicans take turns accusing each other of using the federal deficit to gain political clout, they may be wasting their time. According to a new Washington Post-ABC News Poll, Americans are fed up with both sides.

"More than a third of Americans now believe that President Obama's policies are hurting the economy, and confidence in his ability to create jobs is sharply eroding among his base, according to a new Washington Post-ABC News poll. But Americans' discontent does not stop there. The survey also found that Americans harbor negative feelings toward congressional Republicans. Roughly as many people blame Republican policies for the poor economy as they do Obama. But 65 percent disapprove of the GOP's handling of jobs, compared to 52 percent for the president."

... We know that people over 50 have especially been hit hard by the recession. But a new Pew study published today reports that Hispanic households saw their wealth drop by 66 percent, "the largest single decline in wealth of any ethnic and racial group in the country" from 2005 to 2009.  African-Americans and Asians saw their net worth drop by 54 and 53 percent, respectively. Whites had the smallest loss - 16 percent. ... Last bit of wet blanket news: We reported this back in May, but it doesn't look like it's going away any time soon. If you're looking for a job, you'd better already have one. Unemployed need not apply.

Health notes: FDA: Salmonella outbreak linked to papayas from Mexico ...  Doctors prescription for genetic testing may miss the mark: " Genetic testing to check if a woman has the BRCA1 or BRCA2 mutations can be a useful tool for preventing breast cancer and ovarian cancer in some cases.  But doctors might not be referring patients for such services appropriately, according to a study published Monday in the journal Cancer."

...  Ending on a positive note.  Rose-colored glasses may help love last: "Some happy delusions may actually be better for the long-term health of a relationship than hewing to a sober and accurate view of your sweetheart."

See  "In the News" for more on current events, entertainment and how it all relates to you.

(Photo: Lucy Nicholson/Reuters)

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