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Be Naughty! 4 Ways a Little Decadence May Be Good for You

A happy woman putting a piece of chocolate in a man’s mouth
DjelicS/Getty Images

Lose weight, exercise, stop eating Twinkies — good health can be such a chore. But indulging in these six guilty pleasures may be good for us.

1. Have sex — frequently!

In a study from two English universities, frequent lovemakers outperformed their less-aroused counterparts on tests that measured verbal fluency and visual processing. The improvements could be due to higher levels of hormones such as dopamine.

2. Listen to Mötley Crüe (or any kind of music)

In a study at the Wake Forest Baptist Medical Center, scans showed that the music people liked — not the type of music — increased brain connectivity.

“Few human experiences activate so many circuits in our brains as music,” says study leader Jonathan H. Burdette, M.D.

Learn more about ways that decadence may be good for you.

3. Take a nap

Chinese adults 65 and older performed better on a series of mental tests if they took an hourlong nap after lunch, one study showed. A 60- to 90-minute nap even beats coffee as a mental pick-me-up: Nappers outperformed non-nappers on memory tests in another study.

4. Go to a bar

Being a barfly may have a Cheers effect: In an Oxford University study, regulars at pubs were happier than those who chugalugged at places where people didn’t know their name. Pub regulars had more friends, felt more embedded in their communities and were less likely to binge-drink (ask the bartender for red wine — moderate consumption may help delay the onset of Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s diseases, another study found).

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